
Rotary is an international organization of more than 1.2 million members in 167 countries who come together with their motto “service above self” to provide humanitarian service throughout the world. The members of the club – Rotarians dedicate their time and effort to make a difference at the local and international levels by working together and providing aids and assistance in the communities.

This club is a non religious, non profit volunteer organization and welcomes professionals and business persons from all backgrounds regardless of race, creed and culture.

Rotary Club of Mount Everest, Lalitpur was chartered on the 30th of June 2000 with 24 members under Rotary International District 3292 Nepal Bhutan. Since its establishment, Rotary Club of Mount Everest, Lalitpur has been organizing various projects and programs with a vision of service to uplift the standards of the community.

Rotary club of Mount Everest Lalitpur

The club conducts its regular meeting on Sunday at 8 a.m. in AGENO Restaurant, Lalitpur. The club is actively involved with various organizations to expand its community service by addressing six major areas of focus such as maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, economics and community development, peace and conflict resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation.

Some of the notable programs and community projects that the club has been involved in are general health camps, menstrual hygiene management, tree plantation, school construction projects, waste free lalitpur campaign, speech contest, essay writing competition etc.

Apart from the vocational and community services, the club is one of the best in the districts to work with integrity and empower youths through various leadership development programs such as Rotaract, Interact, Rotary Youth Exchange etc.

All the Rotarian of Rotary Club of Mount Everest, Lalitpur are from diverse backgrounds and renowned personalities in their respective fields who are committed towards voluntary service to both local and international communities. Most of them are recognised with PHF and MPHF for their contributions to Rotary Foundation.

By actively participating in various service projects, the club members have always emphasized to serve others, support strong fellowship and enjoy their Rotary experience. Every Rotarians is devoted to “The Four Way Test” and uses it to foster personal and professional relationships.