Gorkha School Toilet Project

On 10 July 2014, the Rotary Club of Mount Everest Lalitpur completed Gorkha School Toilet Project and handed over to the four local community schools of Arupokhari and Aru Chanaute V.D.C in Gorkha districts of Nepal.

The beneficiary schools are Bal Udaya Primary School, Gyan Bhumi Primary School, Durbar Higher Secondary School of Arupokhari V.D.C and Siddha Devi Higher Secondary School of Aru Chanaute V.D.C respectively.

The Rotary Club of Mount Everest aims to address the sanitation problem, a major issue in the schools of rural villages of Gorkha. The project took six months for completion starting from February 2014 to July 2014. There is an installation of 3 toilets along with water tanks in each school. This toilet construction project contributes in maintaining proper sanitation and personal hygiene practices that will benefit the 1200 students and 80 students of the schools.

The Rotary Club of Wahroonga and Rotary Club of Chatswood continue to support several community projects in Nepal. With the help of inspiring Australian Rotarians Richard Jackson and Peter Kindred who have arranged donations from the Rotary Clubs of Wahroonga and Chatswood to initiate toilet projects in the four community schools of Gorkha.

The programs were successfully completed with the support of the Rotary Club of Mount Everest and Sambhav Nepal. Sambhav Nepal, the local NGO provided their expertise and took part in overall construction of the toilets in four community schools.